Installing Homestead on Windows

Posted on 11 August 2015
1 minute read

It seems that a fair few people have queried and had issues on getting Homestead installed on Windows nicely. This guide for installing Homestead on Windows will hopefully help things go smoothly.

  • Install Composer. (There’s a windows installer half way down the page that also offers adding composer to your PATH for convenience).
  • Install VirtualBox (v4.x, at time of writing, 5.x doesn’t work).
  • Install Vagrant.
  • Reboot your computer as per the on-screen info after installing Vagrant.
  • Install Homestead globally via composer:
composer global require "laravel/homestead=~2.0"
  • Add homestead to your path: Click the start button and search for environment and edit the system environment variables. Append the composer vendor path: C:\Users\{YOUR_USERNAME}\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin
  • Update your folder mapping. eg:
    map: C:\dev\web
    to: /home/vagrant/Code
  • Create your SSH key. You can do this either via PuTTYGen or from a Git Bash command prompt with:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "Homestead"
  • Start Homestead from any location via the cmd prompt:
homestead up

If all went well, you should see a bunch of text scroll up the cmd prompt window and ultimately fire up your Homestead instance.

You can test this by pinging your Homestead IP address (default
