Integrating HaveIBeenPwned into Laravel Fortify
The HaveIBeenPwned service provided by Troy Hunt contains a whole trove of breach information. It enables you to look up single email address, whole domains and whether a password has been seen in a data breach, for example. It's the latter one that we're interested in for this feature. Let's implement this using the icawebdesign/hibp-php
framework-agostic composer package.
PhpStorm cannot find autoload.php in Docker container under WSL2
Docker for Windows has recently improved by utilising the WSL2 backend rather than Hyper-V. The performance gains with this are big, and seeing as I use Windows as my main dev environment, wanted to utilise this myself so made the swap.
PHP, Docker, Xdebug and the missing local variables
I've made a switch in the last 12 months to use Docker as my local development environment for my PHP applications. One of the greatest modules for PHP IMHO, is Xdebug. Many moons ago, I used to frantically hack in var_dump(...); exit;
calls to see what a particular variable, object, array, etc contained.
GitLab CE, Docker, PHP7.1, Laravel 5.5, SQLite CI pipeline
I've been using my self-hosted GitLab instance for my git repos and pipelines for 5 or so years now, but things have changed and I've decided I no longer want to run my self-hosted instance any more. It's purely for hobby/self projects and only accessed by myself, however, one bonus of this is that I also self-host a dockerised GitLab runner that performed all of my CI/CD duties, including the deployment stage, which is the important part.